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Caper Show 2024 prepares its activities for October

Caper Show 2024 prepara sus actividades para octubre

Argentina. CAPER Show 2024 will be held this year from Tuesday, October 29 to Thursday, October 31 at the Costa Salguero Center in the City of Buenos Aires, its usual venue.

Once the stage of preliminary reservations of booth surface area has been completed, CAPER confirms the date of the Award Act for Friday, July 12.

During the event, which will be streamed, as in the last two editions, the 27 companies that have already confirmed their presence at the event will be able to choose their spaces within the Commercial Exhibition: ANTENAS NOVUS, AVS, BVS, CARBI SISTEMAS, DBA SYSTEMS, DEXEL, DINALIGHT, DUOTECH, ENCHULAME LA CÁMARA, FS24, GRUPO TEVELAM, LIVEMEDIA, MACH ELECTRONICS, MEDIA 5, MEGASERVICE, NOR-LAB, OCRL, PINNACLE, SERVIDATA, SVC, SOLIDYNE, TELETECHNICA, TODOMÚSICA, TV GROUP, VIDEOSWITCH, VIDITEC, XV TECH.

Those companies that have not made reservations in the priority instances and are interested in being Exhibitors at CAPER Show 2024 and participating in the Event, the organization reminds that they can contact [email protected] email until June 30 for information on how to join.

- Publicidad -

The organizers anticipate that, as always, admission to the event and all the activities of the Academic Technical Program - with the exception of the training - will be free of charge and that online accreditation will be available on the entity's website,, starting in the first days of October.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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