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Smartalk allows broadcasts from any smartphone

Smartalk permite retransmisiones desde cualquier Smartphone

Latin America. The classic, web-based SMARTALK app generates links, which are occasionally sent via email, WhatsApp, QR code or any other means.

When the guest clicks on the link, the application sends them an OPUS audiocodec that connects to the AEQ Phoenix audiocodec of the station.

Now, the manufacturer AEQ has developed the resident SMARTALK application, which is downloaded free of charge from Google Play or AppleStore, and installs a permanent application on the Smartphone

In both cases, without further intervention, the audio link between the device's microphone and speaker or headphones, and the station's audiocodec, is ready.

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But the resident SMARTALK app has absolute control over the Smartphone, ensuring compatibility with the equipment and allowing the use of professional microphones and headphones, making it suitable for professional use by reporters or sports commentators who regularly work with a station.

You don't need to have an audiocodec, or have to be helped to set it up and use it. Thus, employees can intervene from anywhere there is Internet connectivity.

The participant presses, the welcome screen appears, presses again and is active in the air on the pre-assigned codec line, or the one that is available on the station, and is ready to participate. Sending a mobile unit, or moving the guest, is avoided, as they use their own smartphone to connect and participate.

Any user of AEQ Phoenix audiocodecs can subscribe to the SMARTALK trial service. If after the trial you decide to subscribe to the service, you can purchase a renewable annual license based on the number of studio audiocodecs you want to enable for the service.

SMARTALK subscribers can make any use of the service they deem appropriate, and download the application or send their web connection link as many times as they need it during the subscription period, for the number of licensed Phoenix audiocodecs.

When a license, trial or permanent, is activated on a station PC, the web application is activated so that SMARTALK users can create the "GUESTS" or users of remote terminals, whether they connect with a resident or temporary web-based application through links.

Once remote users call, they just need to be assigned an audiocodec channel and put them on the air. There is also an administrator window, to register or modify stations, audiocodecs and other users.

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If SMARTALK is enabled for a state-of-the-art AEQ Phoenix audiocodec (Venus 4), channels from the audiocodec can be individually preset to SMARTALK, allowing an audiocodec in the studio to dynamically work with SMARTALK or against other portable audiocodecs. In other Phoenix audio codecs, channels can be assigned to the service manually.

SMARTALK uses the very high quality OPUS encoding of the AEQ Phoenix audiocodecs, which allows you to choose modes that allow you to use a remote PC, connecting a sound jack to it, even to broadcast musical events.

To provide high availability and low delay, a redundant infrastructure has been created and distributed across multiple cloud servers in different regions of the world, so that each audiocodec works against a sufficiently close cloud infrastructure.

To configure an AEQ Phoenix audiocodec to implement the SMARTALK service, and try it for free, here is a video tutorial on YouTube:

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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