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Blackmagic Week Peru 2024 will be held with IntekTV

Blackmagic Week Perú 2024 se realizará con IntekTV

Peru. Blackmagic Design and its official distributor in Peru, IntekTV, are pleased to announce the third edition of Blackmagic Week Peru. This event will take place at the Country Club of Lima, offering a unique experience for professionals in the film, audiovisual production and broadcast industry.

During these two days, attendees will be able to immerse themselves in Blackmagic Design's workflows, ranging from live capture and production to remote collaboration post-production and HDR color grading. World-renowned experts such as Tor Johansen and Diego Yhamá will be on hand to showcase the capabilities of the DaVinci Resolve 19's state-of-the-art digital cameras and innovative tools. This event will also be an excellent opportunity to connect with other professionals in the sector and expand their knowledge.

IntekTV is Blackmagic Design's business partner in the territories of Peru, Uruguay and Bolivia. Under the fundamental premise of working hand in hand with its resellers, the company has managed to exceed the sales expectations set by the brand and build a network of distributors committed to business development. "We have the extensive catalog of revolutionary products offered by this global leader in cinematography and digital production, and we are excited to share these innovations with industry professionals at Blackmagic Week Peru 2024," said Mabel Mompo, COO of IntekTV.

Participation Options: Those interested can opt for a virtual ticket, enjoying the event from anywhere in the world, or a face-to-face ticket, living the full experience in Lima.

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Use the code INTEKTV to get a free ticket.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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