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Blackmagic Camera app is now available on Android

App Blackmagic Camera ya está disponible en Android

Latin America. Blackmagic Design announced the availability of Blackmagic Camera on Android. This application provides the controls and features of digital cinema cameras on Samsung Galaxy and Google Pixel phones, which significantly improves the quality of images and allows the use of the material recorded in television and film productions.

Based on the company's award-winning camera operating system, this app includes the same professional tools used in the production of feature films, documentaries, and TV series. Plus, its Blackmagic Cloud support gives you the opportunity to collaborate and share files instantly with other editors and colorists around the world. Blackmagic Camera is now available free of charge on Google Play.

Blackmagic Camera allows you to harness the full potential of your phone through an operating system with a variety of digital motion picture camera controls to achieve the look of Hollywood feature films. It features the same intuitive interface as Blackmagic Design's award-winning models, making it the same as a professional digital camera to use.

In this way, by tapping the screen, it is possible to modify various parameters, such as frame rate, shutter angle, white balance and ISO sensitivity, or record 10-bit ProRes files with 4K resolution and share them using the Blackmagic Cloud platform. This allows you to collaborate with publishers around the world on DaVinci Resolve projects.

- Publicidad -

Blackmagic Camera offers all the controls you need to get ready quickly and start recording instantly. The interface is interactive and allows you to modify the parameters quickly, without the need to access confusing menus. In addition, it displays the drive and recording status, histogram, focus indicators, audio level, framing guides, and other data overlaid on the image.

To view or hide this information, simply swipe up or down the screen. Autofocus can be achieved by tapping the screen on the desired area, as well as filming in vertical or 16:9 aspect ratios, even when holding the phone vertically, for unobstructed recording. Also included are tabs for organizing recorded footage and sharing it via Blackmagic Cloud, sending and receiving messages, or accessing advanced menus.

Image-overlaid controls provide access to the camera's most important controls and allow you not only to select the lens, but also to modify the frame rate, shutter angle, timecode, white balance, ISO sensitivity, tint or audio intensity by pressing the corresponding indicators. The interface is interactive and allows you to modify the parameters quickly, without the need to access confusing menus. In addition, you can view the image in full screen by sliding your finger up or down on the image to hide the controls.

Blackmagic Camera includes a communication system that allows members of a shared project in the Blackmagic Cloud to quickly exchange creative ideas about different shots without leaving the app. Simply log in to the platform, select the project, and write a message.

This provides the opportunity to instantly communicate with other editors, assistants, colorists, or visual effects specialists to discuss the selection of certain images or stay on top of what's going on. Everyone can see the message and respond immediately. In this way, it is possible to keep in touch with the people involved in the project from the same application, without missing important details.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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