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MinTIC to update public TV and radio regulations

MinTIC actualizará normativa de TV y radio pública

Colombia. The ICT Ministry launched an ambitious regulatory project, aimed at modernizing and unifying the current regulations in the public television and sound broadcasting sector.

To date, resolutions 922 of 2020 and 2285 of 2023 have been applied. However, the need to establish new regulations has been identified to optimize the allocation of resources to regional public television operators, the national public operator and other beneficiaries of the Single Fund for Information and Communication Technologies (FUTIC).

"The Government and this Ministry are committed to strengthening and modernizing public media, understanding that they are a tool in the country's democracy and the entertainment and education channel for Colombians, especially those who manage to connect from the most remote places. This new document is intended to simplify the procedures for beneficiaries, integrating technological advances in the provision of television and radio services. This, in order to guarantee a more efficient and transparent management," said the Minister of ICT, Mauricio Lizcano.

One of the pillars of the project is oriented towards the regulation of copyright and related rights, where it seeks to establish new provisions for the authorization of the broadcast, dissemination and public communication of audiovisual works financed by resources transferred to public operators, differentiating itself from works financed through competitive schemes.

- Publicidad -

Likewise, it seeks to clearly define the periods of public communication of audiovisual works financed both by transfers and by competitive schemes, seeking a balance between the exclusive exploitation of the works and their circulation on other public television platforms.

Finally, it will unify the terms and requirements for the presentation of audiovisual projects and the monitoring of the execution and obligations of the beneficiaries in the calls, covering both public television and radio services. In turn, it will update the formula for allocating resources through investment plans, adjusting the lines of financing for greater precision and effectiveness in the use of public resources.

The project and its supporting documents are published for citizen participation for a minimum period of fifteen (15) calendar days. Observations and comments may be sent to the e-mail: [email protected]

To learn about the draft resolution, click here.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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