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Virtual Media presented 4k streams for the Mexican industry

Virtual Media presentó flujos 4k para la industria mexicana

Mexico. Eduardo Echeverría, from Virtual Media, presented at Expo Pantalla the entire range of products of his represented brands. Specifically for the event, very attractive workflows were designed so that all visitors to the convention could see them in action and interact with all the equipment and see the results achieved live.

On the Panasonic side, it was included within this dynamic workflow of broadcast contribution flows with Panasonic sensors, based on the video shots from its AK-UC4000 camera, a model that was used to make the productions in the presidential campaign of Claudia Sheinbaum, current president of the Mexican Republic, with which avant-garde political productions were made in the country. this project carried out by Echeverría's company is considered a milestone in the contribution of political content in Mexico, where Virtual Media planned and implemented cutting-edge technologies to help promote dialogue and citizen participation in social networks for Sheinbaum's arrival to the presidency.

Talking about the AK-UC4000 camera that was prominently exhibited at Expo Pantalla 2024, it has had an important acceptance and demand in Mexico as well as in many countries in the region, as Rodrigo Costa, sales manager of Panasonic, assures: "The AK-UC4000 studio camera is another Panasonic innovation in transmission technology, that its users can operate the camera in 4K and HD modes, which offers images with the highest quality and uncompressed long-distance transmission, which has had a successful sales volume like the rest of our studio cameras in Latin America, being able to stand out in countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Peru or here in the case of Mexico"

Jorge González, Latam Account Manager of Merlin Distributor, who was present at Expo Pantalla said: "It is a privilege to always be able to assist our business partners throughout Latin America and give them the support they need, as is the case of Virtual Media in Mexico of excellence and which distributes many of our brands in the country. being a fundamental business partner within the Mexican territory, showing our constant commitment to all our partners in the country to give the support they need and provide all our support, both in terms of delivery speed and economic in the development of their projects".

- Publicidad -

In addition, within the production flow presented within the convention at the Virtual Media stand, the AW-UE150 PTZ camera was mounted on a rail, also of great commercial success in the Aztec country, working all the production development with a Panasonic camera control and with a development for the colometry control.

For Eduardo Echeverría, CEO of Virtual Media: "We are very satisfied with the work we are carrying out with the brand. Without a doubt, Panasonic's presence in the country is really very strong and we see that it has a lot of growth potential."

AJA Video Systems in Mexico
On the AJA Video Systems side, Virtual Media presented the entire product composition within the presented workflow, highlighting the Color Box, and the Kit Pro Ultra 12G recorder, with portable 4K/UltraHD/2K/HD recording and playback devices based on files, also added to the Kumo OP 16-16 12G together with the AJA FS I HDR Colorfront, Real-time frame synchronizer and HDR/WCG converter with Colorfront Engine video processing, being a 4K, UltraHD, 2K, HD HDR Up/Down Converter. "That you can deliver this entire production flow both in a rack with its cart included, but it can also be done under a broadcast cinematic model, working in 4K HDR" - says Echeverría, adding: "The entire line of Aja Video Systems products has had a significant growth this year in our market, with which we have several important projects and that we are carrying out together with the brand and its master distributor."

For Manny Rosado, Territory Manager field specialist at AJA Video Systems, Mexico is a fundamental market: "Specifically, Mexico has been for many years one of the leading markets in Latin America for AJA, so it is very important to give the best possible assistance to this market" - adding: "For this reason, we continue to work with Merlin Distributor in the master distribution in the country, since they are carrying out a distribution model that has been working very well for AJA. In the case of Mexico, they have always complied with the guidelines outlined with AJA, with which they managed to have completely 100% with all the distribution rights in the country as an exclusive distributor. They continue to do everything we have asked of them and even more."

Eduardo Echeverría concludes in this way: "At Virtual Media we remain committed to always being at the forefront of technology, as we demonstrated once again at Expo Pantalla 2024, showing innovative workflows and the leading brands in the market, always adapting to any need that our clients have, and always with that commitment we have with the industry".

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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