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'Serial Stories' call will give a voice to women victims

Convocatoria ‘Relatos en Serie’ dará voz a mujeres víctimas

Colombia. The Ministry of ICT and Canal Trece open the audiovisual call 'Relatos en Serie', aimed at women victims of the Colombian armed conflict, to tell their stories, providing them with tools and narrative, artistic, aesthetic and technical methodologies for the realization and production of a miniseries.

"For the Government, it is essential to give a voice to women victims of the armed conflict, making their realities, perspectives and problems visible in order to build a society that leads us to protect their rights and build a more equitable country. We are going to finance the production of 10 miniseries, allocating a total of $24,900,000 (US$6,000) for each chosen project," said ICT Minister Mauricio Lizcano.

This initiative aims to acquire up to 10 miniseries of free theme and genre, suitable for all audiences, which enrich the analog and/or digital screens of the country's public television channels.

Interested people must present a project for the production of a miniseries composed of 3 chapters between 5 and 7 minutes long. For their part, the producers will be able to compete by filling out the form that is online until July 15 at 5:00 p.m., Colombia time.

- Publicidad -

The results of the call will be announced on August 16, 2024. It is important to note that each selected miniseries will receive a total amount of up to $24,900,000 for the rights of reproduction and public communication, in the modalities of transmission, retransmission and making available for analog and/or digital screens, OTT platforms, web portals, as well as by public public television operators in Colombia.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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