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IFT authorizes acquisition of Fox Sports Mexico

IFT autoriza adquisición de Fox Sports México

Mexico. The Mexican regulator Federal Telecommunications Institute, IFT, authorized the operation consisting of the acquisition by Fox Corporation, directly or indirectly, of the assets and liabilities related to the Fox Sports Mexico business, with which it would assume control of its operations. As a result of this operation, Grupo Lauman would cease to participate in Fox Sports Mexico.

Fox Sports Mexico offers the following services in the country: i) production, provision and licensing of audiovisual content (programming channels and channel packages) for pay television providers (Fox Sports Channels); ii) production, provision and/or licensing of audiovisual content (sports programs) for aggregators (programmers) of restricted channels for pay television; iii) provision and sale of time or space for commercial messages or advertising through restricted pay television channels, and through the Fox Sports Mexico business's website; iv) provision of the OTT distribution service of audiovisual content by subscription, in the programmatic category of sports (Fox Sports Premium), and v) Acquisition of rights for the transmission of sporting events in Mexico, which belong to the telecommunications sector.

For its part, FOX Corp participates in Mexico in the i) provision and licensing of audiovisual content (programming channels and channel packages) of news to restricted television providers (Fox News Channel), and ii) provision of the OTT distribution service of audiovisual content, supported by advertising, in the programmatic category of films and series (Tubi).

From the analysis carried out by the IFT, it is not observed that the Fox Sports Mexico business and FOX Corp coincide in the provision of services in Mexico, so the operation does not generate changes in the structure of the markets. As it did not identify effects contrary to economic competition, the IFT Plenary authorized the operation to be carried out.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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