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LG launches new technology focused on digital television

Internationalalt. The new ATSC Digital Television (DTV) mobile application exhibited by LG during the last version of NAB facilitates interaction with the contents of the programs in real time, the updating of social networks and the visualization of programs in 3D.

On the one hand, the new technology allows viewers to participate and feed back the contents of TV programs through Tweet-TV. Streaming consolidates real-time comments and transmits short messages with video and audio, overlaying a transparent conversation.

In addition, to show how local TV transmitters can now offer more than linear-only TV channels, LG Electronics introduced its first Android-smartphone equipped with mobile digital TV (MDTV), which provides conditional access for subscribing to future broadcasts and the ability to receive "non-real-time" data, such as electronic coupons or the reception of "real-time" notes such as Tweet-TV.

Finally, at the NAB exhibition, LG showed its LG2161 demodulator chip for 3D which combines the tracing of left circuits side by side and the images on the right, thus allowing the visualization of programs in the third dimension without the need to use 3D glasses.

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